The final course within the M.E.I.T program at Cardinal Stritch University, here we go!
My culminating project will establish a model for providing supplemental online recruitment and training for Children's Hospital e-Learning programs.
This project will have two main components:
1. Screencasts: Step-by-step instructions describing best practices detailing how to best deliver a Children's Hospital e-Learning program using a blended learning approach
2. Digital Video: A video communicating outcomes and anecdotal stories of the bullying prevention e-Learning program, "Act Now!" featuring staff and students
Advantages for doing this project:
- Apply, deepen and further my learning of web 2.0 tools
- Increase completion rates of customers
- Increase customer satisfaction
- Increase student enrollment numbers
Anticipated challenges:
- Time. This is our busy time of year meeting with teachers, counselors and principals while also attending conferences and filling orders
- Measuring outcomes. Many factors impact completion and reach. It may prove challenging to isolate the effect of my screencasts and videos.